Navigating the Advocacy and Access Communities

Here are some features to help you successfully navigate the communities:
Navigation Menu
This area provides quick access to community discussions, a Resource Center, upcoming conferences and events, and more. Hover over the menu options to view all associated pages.
Search Bar
The search bar at the top of the community home page is your highway to anything you're looking for. Simply type in a word or phrase, and we will show you everything that matches up with what you're seeking.
Here you'll find discussions associated with each of College Board's Advocacy and Access Conferences. All of the communities are available for any user to access, and are not restricted by conference attendance. You are encouraged to join the conversation in any of them!
These spaces are accessible using the Communities section of the navigation bar or by selecting your preferred community from the home page.
Editing Your Profile and Setting Notification Preferences
You can make changes to your profile and set preferences by clicking the upper right hand side image or icon and clicking Edit Profile.
From here, you can edit your username, email, and decide if you would like your profile/email to be viewable by other users.
Click Notification Preferences to choose how you’d like to be notified when people comment on your discussions, answer your posted questions, and more.
Starting a Discussion
To start a new discussion, click the orange New Post button and select New Discussion. If you’ve navigated from the home page, you’ll need to select a category for your post.
From there, give your discussion a title (make your title clear and easy to understand so others can find it easily), and then add your content.
You can make your content dynamic through rich-text styling as well as the ability to add additional media such as pictures or videos. You can even insert emojis 😀.
After you've finished your content, you can click Post Discussion to go live, or select Save Draft if you'd like to finish up and post later.
It's always a good idea to add tags to your posts, as adding tags helps others find your posts more easily.
Pro tip: Click Popular Tags to see the most commonly used tags in the community and select any that match up with your post.
Posting a Comment
Posting a comment is easy. Just click on a discussion you wish to comment on, and add your comment in the Leave a Comment field. Once completed, click Post Comment. Ta da!
Reacting to a Post or Comment
If you liked a particular post or comment, select a reaction at the bottom of the post and let the community member know!