NACAC Resource: College Counseling for Latino and Underrepresented students

Kelcie Miles
edited January 2023 in Prepárate™

In order to understand the role of the school counselor in preparing Latino and other underrepresented students for the transition to college, Excelencia in Education and NACAC conducted a national survey and observed counseling practices at six US high schools that were successfully supporting underrepresented populations during the college application process.

 Key Findings

  • The frequency of individualized college counseling activities had a positive effect on four-year college enrollment in both the majoring white, non-Hispanic, and majority non-white models
  • At schools with majority non-white student populations, counselor time spent on occupational counseling and time spent on teaching were negatively related to two-year enrollment.
  • The frequent use of individualized counseling activities was positively related to total college enrollment at majority non-white schools.

