Getting Started in the Advocacy and Access Communities

Thank you for joining us in the Advocacy and Access Communities.
College Board Advocacy and Access conferences assemble education professionals from across the nation to discuss best practices, new solutions, and approaches to help African American, Latino, and Native students succeed.
College Board offers a wide variety of events throughout the year that bring education professionals from across the nation together in an environment of learning and problem solving. Each is targeted at specific segments of the education community.
The Advocacy and Access Communities invite those interested in the education of students to share experiences, insights, innovative solutions, and continue a dialogue after each of our conferences. Our intent is to provide a space to continue the rich conversations and share information that may be valuable in supporting diverse student populations. Within these communities, members can openly foster respectful and impactful discussions dedicated to addressing and ending education inequities.
How to Get Started in the Communities:
Review our Community Guidelines
Get familiar with our Advocacy and Access Communities community guidelines.
Understand How to Navigate the Communities
Get comfortable with how to find what you are looking for and participate in discussions.
Learn How to Earn Badges and Rankings
Learn more about your rank, how to increase your rank, and see the badges you can earn.
We are grateful that you've joined us, and look forward to sharing resources, insights, and discussions together.